“TEmperature-responsive Nanogels for TArgeted delivery of miCroRNAs in wound heaLing and tissue rEgeneration applicationS” (TENTACLES) EuroNanoMed III 2019 10th JointCall RPW/2917/2020/TENTACLES 2020 (17/EuroNanoMed/2020)
  • Post category:Projects

– Project implementation period: 01.02.2022 – 31.01.2023,
– Implemented in consortium: Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù-IRCCS, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, FutureSynthesis. Ltd., Anses – Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation de l’environnement et du travail, Cancer Research Institute, Biomedical Research Center SAS,

The main goal of the project is to develop a bandage material that would simultaneously serve a protective function, accelerate and promote wound healing. To find clinical application, the dressing must first of all be biocompatible, protect against bacterial infections and maintain a moist environment. So far, polymeric materials have found application in bandages, and while they meet the basic requirements, they do not contain additional active substances or molecules that facilitate the tissue regeneration process.

Polymeric drug delivery systems in the form of hydronanogels may prove to be a promising solution. An important step in the functionalization of nanogels, which is being carried out by FutureSynthesis Ltd. is loading them with microRNA molecules that regulate gene expression. Research is focused on making modifications to increase RNA stability on the one hand, and to stimulate cells to grow and heal wounds faster on the other.

Incorporating them into the nanogel system described above, either by crosslinking or by appropriate formulation, should make it possible to obtain a multifunctional material that could be used, as a dressing for hard-to-heal wounds. Nano-sensors based on thermo-sensitive fluorescent markers will be assembled in the gels, allowing us to determine the temperature affecting the dressing. FutureSynthesis sp. z o.o. will conduct industrial research related to optimizing the formulation of the nanogel, which includes modified nucleic acid.